The Theophany Story


If you’re struggling in business, finance, health, family or virtually anything that the world has to offer then this book is for you.


“He is shutting down, we must do something now!”. “Mr Murray, not only do we believe you will never be an air traffic controller again, we believe you will never work again”. These simple words heralded the end of life as Garth and Stephanie Murray knew it. 

Everything normal seemed to be taken from them. Unemployable, financially destitute, mentally weak, and at relationship meltdown, this is the true story of how three dreams inspired Garth & Stephanie to start a business in a field they knew little about. What most would consider ridiculous became their only option. In the midst of turmoil and desperation they once again found happiness.

If you’re struggling in business, finance, health, family or virtually anything that the world has to offer then this book is for you. Read how their lives were turned from weakness to strength and how yours can too.



Join this family as they face the trials and tribulations that would send most of us over the edge and then share in their joy as they overcome when God carries them through the hard times and blesses their lives in so many different ways. A great book that will help inspire and give courage to readers.
— K Smith |

This is an incredible story - even more so that it happened in real life. I found the book really inspiring and quite encouraging when you think about what good has come out of an absolute worst case scenario!! It challenged me not to whinge about small things that go wrong in my life - when you look at what this guy has been through. Highly recommended read.
— Tony |

I intended to read a few pages before bed, but before I knew it, I had finished the entire book. Totally awe inspiring, a true story of triumph that is encouraging to all people, no matter what you are going through!
— Georgie P |

This is a book, written about a time of great trial and concern, bringing with it a myriad of emotions, demonstrating how God causes so many facets of life to be completely turned around so that He can reveal Himself and his will in our lives. The words we say are so very important to the final outcome.
— Marie M |